Monday, June 9, 2014

Disney's Lessons for Happines: Final Day

Today is Day 12, the final day for "Disney's Lessons for Happiness" and we end with one of Walt's most famous quotes.

We all need to remember that nothing is impossible.  No idea or dream is so big that it cannot happen.  You are the only roadblock to getting what you want. Where there is a will there is a way.  Meaning if you have the drive and want it to happen, you can make it happen.  You may have to work, but only you can stop yourself.  It's fun to do something that you once thought was impossible because it gives you such a sense of power and strength.  Think of how great you feel after doing something you were afraid to do or something you thought you would never see the end of.  It is great right?  So remember that feeling and remember that it did happen.

Everyday do the impossible, because it is possible.

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