
Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Gratitude Challenge!

Welcome to the "Gratitude Challenge" from "Live YOUR Life" Blog!  Gratitude is one of the most important things you can practice on a daily basis to live a more positive and fulfilling life.

"Saying thank you is more than good manners.  It is good spirituality."  ~Alfred Painter

We all learned the magic words as a child to say "Thank You" and we know that it is good manners to say them after someone does something kind for you, helps you, or gives you something.  However the act of saying thanks and being grateful can unlock much more in our lives and open our eyes and minds up to the world that is around us.  You will be amazed at how your view of life changes once you truly put gratitude into practice and really mean it.  There is a reason "Thank You" has been dubbed the magic words; because they are.

The "Gratitude Challenge" will start December 1st and run for 12 days.  Sort of a 12 days of Christmas, if you will.  Each day there will be a small activity for you to try out to help you realize the things that you should be grateful for around you or perhaps just help to remind you of things you may have overlooked.  I urge you to follow along.  It is only 12 days and the activities will not be anything difficult or lengthy.

The activities will be posted on our Facebook Page, so please make sure that you have "Liked" the page so that you will receive the updates.   I would also be so grateful if you would share and pass this around on your own Facebook page as well as share the activities so that the attitude of gratitude will spread this season.  I will continue to edit this post to keep a tally of the activities so you can check back if you missed one, but the actual descriptions will only be posted on the Facebook page.  We are at 38 Likes now and I know there are more than 38 people that read this blog, so please make sure you click the "LIKE" button on the right hand side of this page to get updates for the "Gratitude Challenge" and further posts, quotes, and inspiration.  And PLEASE post your comments under each post with your thoughts and how you did for the day's challenge.

The Gratitude Challenge 

Day 1 - Thank 3 people who make your life easier on a daily basis.
Day 2 - Thank 1 person who helped you through a dark/rough time in your life.
Day 3 - List 5 things, not people, that you are grateful for in your daily life.
Day 4 - Say "Thank You" to someone you have not spoken to in a while, but still appreciate.
Day 5 - Tell a difficult coworker that you appreciate them and compliment them.
Day 6 - Do a favor for someone today, just because you are grateful for them.
Day 7 - Think of a negative situation in your life and list 10 things you are grateful for because of it.
Day 8 - Throughout your day, mentally or out loud, say thank you to the objects you use that make your life a little easier.
Day 9 - Tell 9 people that you appreciate them today. Simple as that!
Day 10 - When you pay a bill or write a check, write "Thank You for ___"  Fill in the blank with whatever service the company or person provided you.
Day 11 - Write an old fashioned thank you letter or even email to someone.  Make it more than just a quick thank you.
Day 12 - Make a post on Facebook, or whatever social media outlet you prefer, saying what you are currently grateful for in your life.

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